Product Declaration
Environmental Management System
PANACEA MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES Pvt. Ltd. is committed to minimize by all practical means the overall adverse environmental impact of the product by identifying, qualifying the significant environmental aspects of the product considering the trade-offs between environmental aspects and life cycle stages. We are committed to perform environmentally conscious design within the boundaries set by national, international regulatory and stake holder requirements. Panacea gives high priority to achieving excellence in a consistent EHS management system. It lays the foundation for the continuous improvement of our performance in these areas, and regular auditing assures our conformance to ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
Eco Design of SIDDHARTH II




End of life
Ecological Advantages of Siddharth-II
- Intuitive treatment workflow for ease of operations
- Inbuilt beam stopper, reducing the primary shielding requirements and thereby reducing the overall bunker construction material and cost.
- Ergonomic design with extended gantry size features eliminates claustrophobic effect.
- Inbuilt robotic Radiation field analyser which has an automated arm to acquire beam data autonomously for QA
- Average energy consumption per treatment day is nearly equivalent to average energy consumption of a CT equipment*
- No more lead used for counterweights and shielding
- Built with easy scalability and upgradability
- More than 95% of the materials used can be returned to the flow of recycling
Lead free – Siddharth-II
Siddharth-II is a zero-lead product. We have abandoned the usage of lead in the product completely for the intended and normal operations of the device. We made strides to reduce materials in our product which are environmentally harmful and are not easily recyclable. As a first step we eliminated the usage of lead counterweights and even for radiation shielding by substitution with alternatives, where lead is still commonly used in radiation oncology products.
Eco-design improvements
Panacea is committed to contribute to the challenges for a greener and more sustainable world economy by developing new environmentally conscious technologies and concepts, while at the same time improving the clinical value of radiation Oncology. Eco-design philosophy at design stage is integrated with the principles of,
• Design for Component/material recovery, reuse and recycle.
• Design for Modularity
• Design for serviceability
• Design for upgradability
• Design with resource optimization
• Design with optimized import dependency and component localization

Energy Consumption
Radiation oncology community has a unique opportunity to use our technological expertise to minimize the environmental impact of oncology care and set the standard for sustainable health care practices. Energy Efficient Siddharth-II ensures the Co2 emissions arising from direct energy usage of a LINAC which corresponds to an average energy usage by a typical diagnostic imaging CT equipment. Using the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies calculator, the average energy consumption of a treatment day (in kWh) was converted into estimates of Co2 equivalent which correlates to Co2 emission by driving 62.2 miles by a standard vehicle.
Siddharth-II Impact
A strong focus and commitment to contribute for greener and sustainable product in the last years resulted in a significant ecological impact of the product from prelaunch to full commercial production version as outlined,

Reduced Power consumption

Materials used are recyclable

Reduced generation of e-waste

Packaging materials are recyclable

Reduced Overall material consumption

Domestic Upstream supply chain

Product compliance to ROHS
* CT Equipment average energy consumption is based on COCIR study on CT potential for the aspect of energy efficiency and power consumption over a 24h day